Mali and Burkina Faso warn against any foreign military intervention in Niger | ANG
  • July 27, 2024

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In a move considered a tactical way to protect the recent regime change in Niger, Mali’s military Junta said Monday that they stand to support the coup leaders in Niamey.

Mali said that they stand together with Burkina Faso to defend Niger and further warned that any foreign military intervention in Niamey will be considered a declaration of war on both nations with Niger.

“I warn that any military intervention against Niger will be considered as a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali,” announce Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, State Minister for Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Mali junta.

The announcement was in response to the outcome of a summit by regional bloc ECOWAS that gave a 7-day deadline to Niger’s coup leaders to free detained president Mohamed Barzoum and restore civilian rule or face consequences, with military force an option being considered.

Mali further denounced the persistent sanctions by the ECOWAS upon the three countries terming the illegal.

“The transitional governments of Burkina Faso and Mali, One: have expressed their fraternal solidarity of the people of Mali and Burkina Faso with their brothers in Niger who have decided of their own accord to take their destiny in hand and to assume their sovereignty. Two: Denounce the persistence of the regional organisations to apply sanctions that aggravate the suffering of the population and imperil the spirit of PanAfricanism. Three: Refuse to apply these illegal, illegitimate and inhumane sanctions against the Nigerien people and authorities,” said Col. Abdoulaye Maiga.

The declaration came from Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, State minister for Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Mali junta, who spoke on the state television network ORTM.

The nations are run by military governments in West and Central Africa, where there have been nine successful or attempted coups since 2020.

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