Urban Dictionary Definition of Doofus | ANG
  • April 18, 2024

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“OK, I feel like a doofus, but I cried like half of this thing,” she admitted. While Irons plays him, at least until the evasive end of the film, this PM is a friendly doofus, sure that any problem can be solved with a handshake and a cup of tea. This book explains how to become a better parent, how to really make room for your kids, and, yes, how to redefine your role as a father as our society evolves beyond the old tropes of masculinity and daddy dad. Until then, the doofus of Delaware always seemed wrapped in an invincible atmosphere of sympathy. Some have suggested that Dupe may also have played a role in the development of Doofus. As for the current team. Mitt Romney: Too many doofus. I hope its success will encourage others to look beyond the tired tropics of “Doofus Dad.” Goofus seems to be an imaginative extension of Goof, perhaps ending out of ignorance. Goof is probably originally a variant of the (now obsolete) English Goff (“a clown”) – compare the English geek which is originally a variation of Geck (“Simpleton”) – but his history before that is subject to debate and is difficult to trace closely. Perhaps a variation of earlier goofus (first attested in the 1920s), due to the influence of Scottish doofs (“Simpleton”). The Scottish doof is derived from the Low German doof (“deaf”), which has a secondary meaning: “idiot”. The Low Saxon word is related to the English deaf.

